Coup d’état

2018.04.23.tfpIn my previous post I said that I intend to create a series of blogs to “explain to you …what has been transpiring and why we should be very hopeful about our nation’s future …”

Those of you who know me well know that I love my God, I love my country, and I love history. In the early eighties I began to pursue an understanding of America’s history and its founding upon Judeo-Christian principles. Much of this story is documented in the pages of my Famished Patriot blog. I am also telling this story in my NightWatch podcast.

For the last 40 years, I have carried a very deep and growing burden for my country, watching it slowly decline before my eyes. In response I studied, campaigned for candidates, got involved in the Christian Coalition, studied more, joined Help Save Manassas in 2007, NoVA912 in 2009, kept studying and blogging, and in 2010 I joined the Manassas Tea Party. In the midst the slow decline (the pace of decline accelerated rapidly beginning in 2009) I never gave up hope. Friends—fellow patriots even—became so discouraged and many threw in the towel. I never did and do not plan to now. Especially not now!

Many voices in my life told me that America was lost, that our time in history had come and gone. Even the highly respected evangelical leader John Piper gave up. Just one week before the election of 2016, he published probably the most stupid, ill-conceived and off-base article written by someone of his caliber that I have ever read. God’s Call to Leave this American Mess. It infuriated me. It still does!

But guess what? God has not given up on us. No, He is at work in a mighty way, slowly, methodically, pulling us back from the brink of ruination. If you are one who still looks at our President, Donald J. Trump, and considers him unqualified (John Piper does),I urge you to step back, take a deep breath, and look again (see below).

Since the mid-1960’s (and even before that) America has suffered under a silent, gradual, systematic, well crafted, coup d’état. It happened right under our noses. A small band of a few thousand wealthy, influential businesspeople and political leaders just about stole this country away from the American people. We watched it happen and did virtually nothing.

But the tide has now turned. We’re not yet out of the woods and when that bad guys do go down, we’ll have to rebuild again from the ruined foundations. There is lots of work to do.

Before I close, just a little bit of factual info to get your blood pumping.  From October 29th, 2017 to March 31st, 2018 the U.S. Justice Department filed 24,544 sealed indictments. Click the link and scroll down a bit. Some have been unsealed and many arrests have been made. The newspapers and broadcasters are not reporting this. Guess why. Yeah it’s bad news for them. The normal count is 1,000-1,500 per typical 12-month period. Remember citizen journalism from my previous post?

Also, have you noticed how many congressmen are not running for election this fall? Over 40! What’s going on? When you have a chance, Google “pedophile rings busted 2017-2018.” And oh yeah … a bright light has been turned on the wicked, backroom ways of Hollywood.

Yes, the swamp is being drained.

Stay tuned … I am just getting started.

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