About the Famished Patriot

Mark WeaverMy name is Mark Weaver and I am a famished patriot. The hunger pangs first appeared in the early 1980’s. In the first months of the Reagan era, my pastor began to teach Biblical Worldview from the pulpit. He also introduced me to the Puritans and to the Christian foundations of our American republic. I have been on a quest for nourishment ever since.

My pastor departed full time Christian ministry many years ago, leaving me to fend for myself. In my quest to understand how Biblical ideas have shaped cultures and nations I have uncovered ideas from Scripture that are studied and taught by a relatively small sector of today’s American church. At The Famished Patriot, I share what I have learned and am still learning with any famished patriot who is willing to invest the time and energy to tend this bountiful garden with me.

Over the years I have had well-meaning Christian friends tell me that God hasn’t called Christians to be engaged in politics. “Jesus left us no instructions to get involved with civil government,” they say. “Besides, his kingdom is not of this world. We should simply preach the gospel and leave government to others.”

My response is that Jesus didn’t have to teach us about civil government. The entire Old Testament is filled with instructions and examples about how government is and isn’t to be done.

From the first man, Adam, to Noah, to God’s intervention at Babel, to Joseph, Moses and the Judges, to Samuel, Saul and David, and all through the prophets, God instructs us. The real world examples of the successes and failures of God’s chosen people, and the surrounding nations—as they did civil government—leave us with much to learn. From there we see Jesus, Paul, Augustine,  Luther, Calvin, Puritan John Winthrop, and many others, providing us with so much wisdom, it requires a lifetime to take it all in.

In today’s American culture, worldviews collide with regularity. The Famished Patriot approaches understanding through the lens of the Judeo-Christian Worldview. I see history as guided by Providence, and believe that our ultimate battle is not political, but spiritual. We wage war on the battleground of ideas. We must employ the best ideological weapons, and remain well fed to to keep our enemies at bay. The Famished Patriot exists as a supply line to those in the field.

Now you might be wondering, ‘OK, just who is this guy? What qualifies him?’ They are fair questions. So, if you want to learn more about my multi-decade quest for patriotic nourishment, I have created a special section with a bit of background on some of the things I have done and written about over the years.

Check out my lifelong pursuit of patriot nourishment at THE QUEST.

Thanks for stopping by. Please drop me a line.


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