Red Pill / Blue Pill

red pill Blue PillYou may have heard the question “Have you (or they) been red pilled?” Many people will remember the Blue Pill / Red Pill conundrum from the film The Matrix.

The Red Pill metaphor is being used today to highlight the awakening that many are having as they break free from one paradigm and make steps to enter another.

The paradigm we are leaving behind is the mindset of being imprisoned in a world where others control all outcomes and we have no real power. Think again of The Matrix. Yes, we are trapped, and our imprisonment is inescapable.

If we swallow the Blue Pill we embrace the idea that even though we are trapped, we can still exist in a kind of imaginary world where we seek to make the best of our low-estate lives while subliminally believing that ultimately things will never change. Our fate is sealed and there is little we can do about it, so we build a fantasy world of sorts and press on in a state of blissful ignorance. This way, in our own minds, we can ease the pain of our subjugation to a power we can’t even fully understand.

For some reason, likely God’s call and grace, I never swallowed the Blue Pill. Oh yes, I have been discouraged, angry at times, and frustrated with my government for years. Though embattled and depressed in difficult moments and seasons, I never fully bought into the belief that there is no longer any hope. I never surrendered to the notion that my beautiful country is past its prime, or that God had given up on her. Though tempted to believe that we would never return to our message and mission of individual liberty and personal self-government, I never gave up. Once again … I am not tooting my own horn, just reminding myself and my readers that I am a beneficiary of the grace and mercy of God poured out on me.

Over the decades we Americans have had our liberty slowly stripped away from us. The theft of our ability to govern ourselves came so quietly, so methodically, that we barely took notice. Like the proverbial par-boiling-frog-in-the-pot, we did not realize what was happening to us until it was too late … well ALMOST too late.

Now, suddenly, God has reappeared on the scene. We are coming to understand that God is a covenant keeper and that despite our covenant-breaking ways, He remains faithful.

Have you swallowed the Red Pill? Have you made the decision to face the truth about what we allowed to happen to our country? What kind of discomfort would you be willing to embrace to consider that Presidents Lyndon B. Johnson, George H.W. Bush, William J. Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack H. Obama have all betrayed us, that some of their acts might even amount to treason? Could you ever believe that God raised up Donald J. Trump to be God’s wrecking ball to political correctness and to those entrenched in power, stealing literally trillions of dollars away from tax-paying American citizens? Have you ever seen a full report of how our tax dollars are spent, or how that 20 trillion dollars we now owe was invested? Do you even care? What if I told you that much of those funds now line the pockets and bank accounts of about 8,500 of the wealthiest and most powerful people in the world? And could you believe that the CIA went rogue decades ago and is involved in all kinds of criminal activities throughout the world?. Have you heard that JFK’s assassination in 1963 was arranged by the CIA because he was on to them and that a young CIA man, George H.W. Bush, had a hand in it? Sounds like a “jump the shark” moment, doesn’t it? Oh there’s more, much more. I am giving this to you in small doses.

I sound like a crazy man, don’t I? Well … though I never swallowed the Blue Pill, I have now swallowed the Red Pill. I have invested countless hours researching the claims I am now boldly posting here. I have become a believer in the Deep State, the Swamp, the Cabal, the almost successful New World Order that is now in the process of unraveling thanks to many long-hidden patriots who made their move to arise and reclaim our liberties, and of course our unflappable president who seems to fear nothing. The establishment elite, those thieves, are terrified of what is about to come down on them. That’s why so many of them are coming unglued so publicly. They know the tables have been turned, that their number will soon come up, and that they will have to pay the piper.

To take the Red Pill means that you want to know the truth, no matter what it may cost. It means you cast off your hesitancy to resist because you fear the truth. You decide not to shrink back into living in the escapist world you have built for yourself.

Tough words. Confrontational thoughts. But please understand that we ALL have been intentionally conditioned, programmed by those holding power. That would be the news media, academia at all levels including public schools as early as first grade), television, film, much of the music we listen to … The list could go on but you get the idea.

Taking the Red Pill comes from a willingness to have our paradigm reconstituted, to face the possibility that perhaps there are things we are missing or failing to see. It is hard, frightening and downright scary. I know. I am not asking you to consider doing anything I have not done myself.

Nearly every day, more and more of the dark side is being brought to the light. If you are paying any attention at all, you must be aware that a battle is well underway. And just so you will know, what I have noted above contains far less of the dark, evil and wicked things that still remain behind the curtain. Whether we like it or not, we will soon have to deal with matters that will shake us to the core. You can remain hiding in the shadows, or begin to become informed. If you don’t know where to start, Private Message me on Facebook and I can get you moving in the right direction.

But the first step, if you have not yet made it, is to surrender your life to Christ.

I am sorry to do this to you my friend, but I want you to be prepared for what is likely just around the corner.

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