The Seedbed of Liberty

temp.coverI posted something on Facebook today that received fairly positive comments. All were positive actually. But some did question my premise that the American seedbed of liberty was planted and cultivated by the colonial church. This is a premise I have long held and I am going to take a few minutes to share a few things I have learned.

Before I jump in, I wish to note that there is a caveat to my premise, and that caveat will be revealed at the end of this short dissertation.

First, let me begin by explaining that I have been studying America’s Christian history since the early 1980’s. If you wish to learn more about my journey, I have a collection of short blog posts laying out my journey. If you are interested, they fall under the title of The Quest.

For well over thirty years now I have been reading, studying, and examining the founding of our nation, from the Pilgrims and Puritans, right on up through the writing of the Constitution. I have countless books on the subject in my library, many of which are reprints from that era. I have not read them all in toto, but I have read enough to come away with the unshakeable belief that, despite the many claims that America was founded by Deists, there is overwhelming evidence to the contrary. I am currently working on a book titled Constitutional Apologetics: Discovering Judeo-Christian principles in our Nation’s Founding Documents.

  • George Washington. One of the books in my personal library is titled George Washington’s Sacred Fire. I’m not saying it is the final word on Washington’s core beliefs, but it certainly provides ample evidence of Christian faith in the man. His strong character is likewise evidence. Frequent references to “Providence” in his writings, and his service as a vestryman, along with neighbor George Mason, at Pohick Church (Episcopal) lend more evidence to his Christian faith.
  • James Madison. Madison is credited with writing the Constitution of our United States. While not overtly expressive of his Christian faith, he held to strong, core, Christian beliefs. In The Political Philosophy of James Madison, another volume in my personal library, author Garret Ward Sheldon makes the case that it was Madison’s deeply Protestant education that led him to understand the Christian principles of liberty – particularly “the tyranny of the majority” – which led Madison to fight for a republican form of government (read republic as opposed to democracy). Under the soon-to-be president of Princeton John WItherspoon – the only clergyman to sign the Declaration of Independence – Madison received a strong Judeo-Christian worldview vision, rooted in Biblical principles.
  • Benjamin Franklin. Franklin is the American poster child for deism. And I am not at all disputing his deistic beliefs. But a deist does not believe that God is involved in human affairs. Why then was it Franklin who asked for prayer at the Constitutional Convention of 1787? His request, after many conversations and discussions, eventually led to the idea of appointing a chaplain to both the House on the Senate of the newly formed government. It is also a little known fact that Benjamin Franklin was a huge supporter and friend of George Whitfield, the tireless and fiery preacher whose ministry, along with that of Jonathan Edwards, fueled the First Great Awakening. None of this proves that Franklin was a Christian, but he certainly understood the importance of religion in the life of a nation – especially in his later years.

Having explained all of that, and honestly it isn’t worth all that much on the big scale, I am now going to tell you why my belief that our nation grew out of a Christian seedbed is unshakeable. And it has not a wit to do with these three men. Let’s look at some Biblical principles found in our nation’s core political ideas.

  • Transcendence. Is there a sovereign God who rules over all?  The Declaration of Independence testifies that as God-created beings, no one can be alienated from their most basic human rights to “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” God is the court of highest appeal, sitting in judgment over everything, even the state. This Christian idea in pre-Constitution America, came from the writings of Christian leaders William Blackstone and Samuel Rutherford who fueled the minds of our Founders with Biblical ideas.
  • Individuality. Nowhere in the world, or in human history, has the primacy of the individual been so celebrated and respected as in America. That God made us in His image and that He redeemed us by offering His own Son, is evidence that the individual is more important to God than any state or kingdom of institution of man. Our Founders understood this and that’s why we have a separation of powers and a Bill of Rights (see below).
  • Self-Government. In the personal sphere, self-government is quite simple. Every individual is charged with the responsibility of governing and managing their own life. Management responsibilities include our relationships, our personal health, our finances, our time, our skills and talents, and our overall behavior. Our Founders understood and often proclaimed that America would only survive if she remained a moral and religious people, and if personal virtue were in practice on a large scale. Only moral, religious and virtuous people can govern themselves. Ancient Israel was given opportunity to govern themselves, under the Ten Commandments. They failed and ended up with kings, “like the other nations.” When internal, personal, self-government fails, external government kicks in. Like Ancient Israel, we Americans have failed. Now the individual is shrinking as the state grows.
  • Liberty of Conscience. Many refused to accept the new Constitution unless a “Bill of Rights” was attached to it. Virginian George Mason was one of them. Virginian Patrick Henry was another. During America’s colonial period, this land became a refuge for millions escaping religious persecution in Europe. This is where the idea of “tolerance” first originated in America. But note it wasn’t a tolerance for wickedness or sinful behavior, only a tolerance for the many sects or expressions of the Christian faith and to a lesser degree, the Jewish faith. Note: at the time of our founding, 98% of Americans were Protestant, 1-½% were Catholic, and ½% were Jewish. Liberty of conscience is protected by the first amendment.
  • Separation of Powers. For thousands of years, until Christ arrived to be precise, ancient Israel functioned under three primary forms of leadership. They were the prophets, the priest and the kings. These three ministry offices served as checks and balances to one another. Power was held in check and not held solely in the hand of one party. In Isaiah 33:22, we read, “For the Lord is our judge, Lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is our king …” What do you see here? I see our three branches of government. Our founders understood this principle and sought to protect the individual from the tyranny that occurs when too much power gets concentrated in one place.


I could go on. In fact I am writing a book about this (see above). But I don’t have time here to tell you about Covenantalism, Republicanism, Federalism, and several other Biblically-rooted American ideas, like the ones above, found in Holy Scriptures. Nor do I have time to tell you about the many early state and local government constitutions and governing documents that reference Jesus Christ, God and the Holy Scriptures. Nor do I have time to report on the countless other writings and documents from our new nation’s earliest decades where Christian thought and principle were found in abundance in almost every corner of the country.

The truth is, and I know this from my many years of personal research, that the Colonial American church did indeed lay in these foundational principles and ideas long before The Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution came into existence. This was the seedbed from which our political liberties emerged.

Caveat. I promised a caveat and here it is.

Despite our strong Christian beginnings, the seeds of our eventual failure were also present at our founding. Slavery, the betrayal and mistreatment of the native American, and later, the foolish notions of the “White Man’s Burden” and “Manifest Destiny,” all created cracks in our foundation (I’m switching metaphors here) which is now crumbling to pieces before our eyes.

“What have you given us?” asked the woman in the late Philadelphia summer of 1787 as Benjamin Franklin stepped out onto the cobblestone street from what would become Constitution Hall.

“A Republic, Madam, if you can keep it,” came his reply.

We have not

“Trust in the Lord” have entered a season in history where the light is dimming, where the darkness is increasing, where wrong has become right, where no has become yes, where black has become white, where the lie has become the truth. The weights and measures that we as a culture once relied upon, have seemed to disappear. Uncertainty about our future (and the future of our children and grandchildren) abounds. Our political landscape is fraught with deception, infidelity, unreliability, and for some, even fear and trepidation.

So many things swirl around us that we cannot control, things much bigger than our own tiny sphere of influence. Therefore, we must learn to “Trust in the Lord.”

How easily said. How utterly difficult to do!

“Trust in the Lord” has almost become a cute little cliché, something to quip about, something to throw out in a conversation to calm fears. But how? How can we come to truly trust in the Lord?

I am going to share with you four things that I have learned, things that have, for me, created a path toward truly trusting in the Lord, and brought an ever-deepening peace and calm into my life. Oh how desperately we need our Lord. Here’s what I have discovered. May they help you.

1. Seek the Lord. Seek His face. Cry out for Him and pray that God stirs a longing in you to know Him and to know Him intimately. Pursue your knowledge of God. Don’t assume that a few short scriptures here and there are sufficient to carry you through this life. God has provided for us His whole Word, His whole counsel, from Genesis to Revelation. Read and study and get to know God.

How can we learn to trust God, how can we dare to trust God, unless we truly know Him? And how can we get to know Him unless we seek after Him and study His Holy Word? (Psalm 27:8; I Chronicles 16:11; 2 Kings 22:8-20; Jeremiah 9:23-24).

2. Worship God. Set aside time every day to declare back to God, His glory. Worship Him. He is glorious, beautiful, magnificent, splendorous, wise, powerful, magnanimous, merciful, forgiving, tender, gracious, kind, righteous, holy, wrathful, vengeful, judgmental … there are not enough adjectives in the dictionary to describe Him. Begin with thanksgiving, continue with praise, enter into worship. (Psalm 100). Read the Psalms aloud. Sing them. Read and sing them back to the Lord. (Psalm 150; 2 Samuel 22:50; Psalm 95:6). Learn how to enter into His presence (Psalm 27:4).

Don’t feel like worshiping God? Don’t let that stop you. Decide to worship Him and then worship Him (Psalm 103:2). He is worthy. That should be all that matters. Worshiping Him takes the focus off of me.

3. Wait on God. Yes, wait on the Lord. Learn to wait on Him. Don’t get out ahead of Him. Follow His lead. Let Him take the wheel. His ways are not our ways (Isaiah 55:8). God moves slowly. That is a fact. He is slow to anger. His wrath burns slowly (Psalm 103:8).

He works on His own timetable (John 11; Luke 8:41-56). Noah prepared and waited 120 years. Abraham waited 25 years for a son. Joseph waited 14 years in prison for a crime he didn’t commit. Moses waited 40 years in the desert before he encountered God in the burning bush. Then Moses learned to ascend Sinai and wait for the Lord to show up. Learn to wait on the Lord (Psalm 27:14).

Consider the server (waiter) in a classy restaurant. He/she stands away from the table, waiting and watching for an opportunity to serve. Be like the waiter. Learn to sit quietly and wait for God. There is a rest that awaits those who learn how to enter His presence and wait quietly there, a rest that enables us to enjoy sweet fellowship with Him (Hebrews 4:9-10). I can tell you from first-hand experience it takes work and discipline, but God does show up.

I heard of one man who arose faithfully every night, in the middle of the night, to wait quietly upon the Lord. Finally, eighteen months later, God made His manifest presence known. Wait on the Lord.

4. Finally, pray in the spirit. This means praying in our prayer language. Our prayer language (speaking in unknown tongues or glossolalia – Acts 2; I Corinthians 12:4-11) enables us to communicate directly from our spirit to God (I Corinthians 14:2). I know this is a controversial topic for some. I know some of you will read this and think I have gone off the deep end. But if you are a faithful follower of Jesus, I ask you to hear me out. Here’s my story:

In late March of 1971, as I stood with my thumb out along an on ramp to Interstate 65 heading south out of Gary, Indiana, I began speaking in tongues. The gift did not come as a shock or as a surprise to me. I had been asking God for it for several months. In the forty-five years since, I have exercised that gift in the privacy of my own prayer closet, sometimes quietly and sometimes boldly. Just me, with the aid of the Holy Spirt, communicating to my Lord, sending up thoughts and burdens I can’t even fully understand, yearnings I don’t know how to express in my own language. Over the decades, as I have exercised this gift, my inner man, my human spirit, has been quickened, strengthened, enlarged and empowered in its influence.

My inner man, my spirit, is where Christ dwells through His Holy Spirit. The stronger my own human spirit becomes, empowered by the Holy Spirit, the more I am able to seek God, to know God, to worship God and to wait upon God. All I can offer is my own testimony about the working of this wonderful gift in my life. Praying in tongues, praying in the spirit, has utterly changed my life. What I have provided here is but a very limited and brief synopsis.

If you do not have this gift, ask Him for it. Then exercise it. You will not be sorry.

So, in conclusion, we as a nation, are moving deeper into a season of chaos and confusion. We need now, more than ever, to connect with God, to grow more intimate with God, to know Him, to love Him, to depend upon Him, to let Him be the God He wishes to be for us, the One who carries our burdens, provides for our needs, guides us through dark passageways, and leads us into the light. Seek, worship, wait, and pray in the spirit. The trust will come.

Thoughts About the Times (Written in 2010)

tfp.2016.03.10.abandoned-church-edward-petersonI was searching for some files in my computer this afternoon and stumbled across this piece I penned on 4/23/2010 – nearly six years ago. It still rings very true. With only minor modifications, I submit it for your consideration below.


God is slow to anger. But the murder of over 40 million (now 54 million) unborn children in their mother’s wombs since our Supreme Court legalized abortion in 1973, has finally worn thin with our Creator.

 The American Church has failed miserably. We have allowed the secular culture to enculturate us. We are barely distinguishable from the world. I believe the recent, rapid unleashing of the power of the state is the beginning of God’s hand of judgment upon our nation. I believe things will get worse before they get better.

Yet true Christians will never stop living their faith. I still believe very strongly in American DNA, and the more I read and research the more I see that that DNA is rooted in the Christian faith, and until that faith is reawakened in America, no Tea Party, no state’s declaration of sovereignty, can save us.

I recently heard a woman say, “I want my country back.”

Apparently God is not ready to give it back to us. A loving God is disciplining us. He knows we have more to learn and more to changing to do.

For generations, Americans were a “good” people. Alexis deToqueville is said to have written “America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great.” Within our lifetime, America ceased being good. Thus the troubles we see on our horizon.

Our fight is not with Congress or the President. Our fight is with our selfish selves, and with God’s archenemy, the devil, who wars against us.

God will achieve several things through the difficulties that await us.

  • First and foremost, He will judge His church and set it right again.
  • He will judge all of us Americans, rich and poor, for our worship of self and for our quest for things.
  • He will judge our political leaders.
  • He will judge the greedy business magnates, and the politicians who are in bed with them. These are the pillaging barbarians of our day.
  • He will judge the abortionists and those who promote their bloody craft.
  • He will judge those who flaunt their homosexuality along with their vocal supporters.
  • He will judge the hedonists who prey upon our children.
  • He will judge Hollywood for their peddling of hedonism and violence.
  • He will judge the media who prefer the lie to the truth.
  • He will judge the educators who teach falsehoods and enslave young minds.
  • He will judge those who make their living off of bitterness and envy.
  • He will judge those who cultivate their own bitterness and envy and use it as a political tool.

The Scriptures teach us that people are judged by God following their death, and that they are dispatched to either heaven or hell. Nations, however, are not eternal in nature. They must be judged in time. Just as God has done with other nations throughout history, He will squeeze us until our hearts return to Him or until our rebellion brings us individually to His final judgment. Jesus taught us that unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it cannot bring forth fruit. I do not know how long this purging will take. I cannot say how long the seed will remain until its shoots begin to break through the soil afresh.  Israel was held captive in Babylon for 70 years. Perhaps we will be long gone before God’s work with America is done. Perhaps this truly is the time of history when God begins to wrap things up and bring His final judgment to bear upon all of mankind.

 We must be faithful to God. And we must depend utterly upon Him for the power to remain faithful.

 One thing we can count upon. He IS faithful.

The “Unprotected”

tfp.2016.02.26.trump4Please take a few minutes and read Peggy Noonan’s insightful article linked below. In it, she divides America into two groups. She calls them the “Protected” and the “Unprotected.”

The “Protected” group includes those in positions of political power, the media elite, the wealthy, and those whose wealth and power insulate them from the consequences of the policies and ideas they foist upon the rest of us.

The “Unprotected” group includes basically everyone else, people like you and me who are far more impacted by economic ups and downs, and feel essentially at the mercy of those in positions of power and influence on a large scale.

In today’s political climate, she says, we are witnessing the rise of the “Unprotected.”

In my view, this is both good news, and bad.

The good news is, we Americans appear to be awakening. The bad news is, I don’t think the everyday American is really equipped to make wise choices as to what to do with this new-found power of the “Unprotected,” rising.

Ahead of us, I see three paths:

1.       The Socialist Path. Will we continue to follow the same course we are already on, but with an even greater intensity? When we look at other nations and people down through history, we see other “Unprotected” groups who chose to empower the few to take care of the many. These decisions have never ended well. In America, it is the foolish utopian dream set into motion by the likes of Woodrow Wilson, strengthened by FDR, sent into high gear by LBJ, nearly metastasized by Barack Obama, and now, with the candidacy of Bernie Sanders and his socialist shadow, Hillary Clinton. This foolish utopian dream (read nightmare) could very easily be coming into full play. Be careful what you wish for.

2.       The Populist Path. This is the path chosen by those who look for a savior to deliver them. “The Donald” is the face of this movement. In Trump, the “Unprotected” see a hero, one who can fix what ills the nation. For me, the unexplainable, almost impenetrable popularity of this candidate, exposes the intellectual weakness of many in the American conservative ranks. Even many evangelicals are captivated by this bully of a man who has given us little of substance amidst a great deal of bluster. The danger here is that we do not really know who or what we are getting with this candidate. His bold proclamations speak the words (though sometimes crassly) that we wish to hear. Although he himself is extremely wealthy and privileged, he has become, for many, the “voice” of deliverance that we have been yearning for. He is to America, what King Saul was to ancient Israel – a man “handsome and head and shoulders” (figuratively speaking) above the crowd. Can you not see the connection between the Socialist and the Populist Path? In both cases, the “Unprotected” wish someone other than themselves to fix what is wrong. Be careful what you wish for.

3.       The Historic, Constitutionalist Path. This now leads me to the only path that will take us out of this nightmarish American train wreck we are now experiencing. “We the People,” we the “Unprotected,” must rise and fix this country ourselves. We must wrestle away power from the “Protected” and restore that power to its rightful owner. We don’t need a nanny state. We don’t need a savior (many of us already have the true Savior, Jesus). We need a restoration of the understanding of the true, historic, American, Constitutional principles of liberty. Sanders, Clinton and yes, even Trump, have not a clue about them. I wonder how many of Trump’s avid fans can actually articulate the principles of Historic American Liberty? Ted Cruz, though not that photogenic or affable, is the one, in my view, with the strongest credentials. He not only knows the Constitution, he has fought uncompromisingly for it in many halls of government. Behind him, Rubio, Kasich, and Carson are all men I could likewise cast a November vote for if I had to. I think, to a lesser degree, they are far closer to my way of thinking than the three clownish aforementioned office-seekers in Nos. 1 and 2 above. The Historic, Constitutionalist Path is what I wish for.

So, read Noonan’s piece, contemplate mine, and choose your own path prayerfully and wisely. Do you want a nanny state, a savior to fix everything for you, or historic, Constitutional, American self-government from the bottom up?


The Culture of Death


1973. Abortion is legalized. America invites the “culture of death” into the mainstream. From that moment forward, the “culture of death” carried on its nasty business right in our midst, quietly, silently, with only minimal disruption, the count now at 57 million lives snuffed out in their mother’s wombs. Deaths most often for convenience sake.

1995. Timothy McVeigh blows up the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City,Oklahoma, killing 168 people.

1999. Eric Harris and Dylan Kliebold take the lives of thirteen high school students in Columbine, Colorado.

2001. Four planes are hijacked and used as weapons. Over 3,000 Americans lose their lives in a morning of terror. The “culture of death” visits America from afar. In the years that follow, many smaller acts of terror ensue as the “culture of death” continues to visit America (Fort Hood, Boston, Oklahoma, etc.)

2002. John Allen Muhammed and Lee Boyd Malvo snuffed out the lives of 17 innocent victims in a multi-state killing spree that spanned eight months and ended at a rest stop on Interstate 70 in Maryland.

The list of other killing sprees in America is too long to list here, But a few of the more notable ones include the Amish schoolhouse murders in Lancaster, PA, the killings at VA Tech where 32 students died, Sandy Hook Elementary School, and many others. Let’s jump ahead to the present …

2015. A lone gunman slaughters nine people in a prayer meeting in Charleston, SC.

2015. A criminal illegal alien who had been deported five times, returns again and murders a young woman in San Francisco. We have also learned that thousands of criminal illegals have been released back into our communities over the last several years, and that according to Mark Thiessen of the Washington Post, there have been 121 murders by illegal aliens released by the current administration since 2010. The “culture of death” unleashed on our home soil.

2015. A Muslim extremist murders four Marines and a sailor at a recruitment center in Chattanooga, Tennessee. The “culture of death” visits America once more.

2015. Over forty-two years after the US Supreme court ruled that it was legal to murder a baby in the womb, a video surfaced exposing the sale of body parts of the unborn, by Planned Parenthood. Are Americans beginning to finally see the unseemly fruit of the “culture of death?”

Yes, America has embraced the “culture of death.” We invited it in, in a legalized, wholesale way, in 1973. Is it any wonder now that tragic, violent, terrorist-bred deaths, are becoming more commonplace?

I think Dr. Nucatola’s detached rendering of what goes on in wombs in Planned Parenthood clinics, is actually the “tell” in this game we’ve been playing with death here in America. The silent, swept-under-the-carpet, nothing-to-see-here-let’s-move-along-people mindset of the pro-choice crowd, just showed its ugly head. Sickening isn’t it, what really goes on in these dark, secret places?

Yes, America is in a spiritual battle. Death is death, whether in the womb, or in the terrorist’s weapons of war. We wanted it. We wanted death quietly, and for convenience, and we called it choice. Now we have few choices left but to hope death by terrorist doesn’t come knocking in our community, or on the doors of our family members or friends, or anywhere really, we just want this bloody mess to go away. But it’s here, on our our doorstep. We’re staring it in the face in broad daylight. Death-by-terrorist is lurking in the shadows, stealing our peace and our sense of security here at home. And there’s little we can do but pray. God has a way of bringing nations to this kind of place. And frankly, I don’t think that on the whole, we’re even close to that place where we as a nation cry out to God. It will most likely come to that at some point. But by then, how much will the “culture of death” have stolen from us?

”It could happen any place at any time,” we are told.

Death is stalking us, not on a battlefield, not in some far off distant place. But here, in our schools, our churches, our strip malls, our workplaces, at our sporting events, just about any place where people gather.

Some will scoff at this connection between violence in the womb and acts of terror. Some will say that America has long had a “culture of death.” Look what we did to the Native Americans. And then there’s slavery and the Civil War and …

No arguments here. America has had a hand in some horrifically bad things on our own soil over the last nearly two-and-a-half centuries.

It is my position however, that when we legally opened up the womb to eliminate (in most cases) the inconvenience of an unwanted pregnancy, and legalized the murder of the most innocent and helpless among us, we invited terror upon ourselves.

The rollout of this visible, broad daylight terror has been slow, and, with the exception of the most heinous (9/11), we’ve quickly learned to tune out the stories a few days after they pass from the headlines.

But now it seems, with jihadists living among us, and many being freshly radicalized all the time, even through their home Internet connections, that the “culture of death” is stalking us more and more.

If we wish, we can separate the foreign, or even native-born Muslim jihadists, and the illegal immigant, murdering criminals, from the American, home-grown Adam Lanzas, Timothy McVeighs and Dylann Roofs. But in the end, they are all delivering the same darkness, the same fear, the same curse – DEATH!

America, have we finally obtained what we’ve sought? Have we worshiped our own selves to such a degree that the lives of our unborn children no longer matter? I believe we have. I believe we are seeing God’s judgment upon our land, for the reckless, devil-may-care approach we have taken with millions of unborn Americans. Crimes this wicked – the murdering of unborn, innocent children – cannot go unpunished by a righteous God. Mock me if you wish, belittle my arguments, reject my conclusions. God will still have the final say in this matter. I mean read your Bibles for crying out loud!

Now Jesus said, “I came that they may have LIFE and have it abundantly.” He can forgive the most heinous of sins, even abortion. He’s good like that. But we must repent and ask, and “go and sin no more.”

Consider my thoughts please. America will not be fixed by politics or new laws. It will not be fixed by stripping our guns from us, or taking down the Confederate flag, or anything else that “offends.” The truth is, God Himself is offended by America. And she can only be fixed by facing up to the truth of what she’s done, by repenting for it, and by seeking the face of God. He truly is our only hope.

Please post your comments on my Facebook post of this blog, not here. Comments on this blog are not monitored.


Yes, We Failed

In my previous post I made the bold declaration that we evangelicals have failed. For that statement I was challenged by an old and dear, and highly respected friend. So here, today, I intend to defend that statement. “Yes, We Failed.” Please indulge me.

In that post I mentioned briefly a Christian group that I was involved with for a twelve-year stretch (1973-1985). It was known under several names, among them The Discipleship Movement, The Shepherding Movement, and The Covenant Church Movement.

There were many positive elements of this movement within the Charismatic/Evangelical community in America during that time period. Unfortunately there were also many bad things that happened. Sadly, pastoral authority was often abused and misused, and many people suffered wounds, some of them very deep. Marriages were destroyed. The faith of some was shipwrecked.

Fortunately for me, and for our little band in Northern Virginia, we escaped, for the most part, the really, really bad stuff. For that I am very grateful.

Well, as the saying goes, “You don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater.” I haven’t.

There is much more to this story. You can Google “Shepherding Movement” and you’ll find all kinds of stuff, most of it negative. And I’ll be telling much more about my personal involvement with this movement in a several episode arc in my podcast project, NightWatch. The episodes are already in the can as I continue to build my collection for kickoff.

Anyway, the image above is a cover from the September, 1977 issue of the magazine published monthly by the leaders of this movement. The magazine was called New Wine. You can see the title of the month—Lawlessness. It’s a pretty heady title. But these were the kinds of themes that our leaders taught us about.

Let’s leap from 1977 to 2015. Thirty-eight years. In one sense, the theme of the New Wine issue shown on this page, pretty much sums up the state of our nation today.

OK, that’s some background. In my previous post I rattled off a litany of Biblical topics that are, for the most part, no longer being taught in America’s evangelical churches. If you don’t remember them or you didn’t read my previous post, go back and take a look. These Biblical topics are, in my view, musts for every serious Christian.

Two-hundred and twenty eight years ago, in the summer of 1787, our founders crafted our U.S. Constitution in Philadelphia. As the convention was wrapping up, Benjamin Franklin stepped out onto the cobblestone street. He was approached by a woman who asked him a question.

“Dr. Franklin, what have you given us?” came the query.

“A republic Madam, if you can keep it,” came the reply.

We have not. However, we did keep it for a good number of decades. Our founders, the crafters of this document, this Constitution, made it very, very clear that this new republic could only work if the people for whom it was created remained a moral and religious people. Here are some direct quotes from them regarding this necessity:

  • John Adams: “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
  • John Adams: “It is the duty of the clergy to accommodate their discourses to the times, to preach against such sins as are most prevalent, and recommend such virtues as are most wanted. For example,—if exorbitant ambition and venality are predominant, ought they not to warn their hearers against those vices? If public spirit is much wanted, should they not inculcate this great virtue? If the rights and duties of Christian magistrates and subjects are disputed, should they not explain them, show their nature, ends, limitations, and restrictions, …”
  • James Madison: “To suppose that any form of government will secure liberty or happiness without any virtue in the people, is a chimerical (unrealistic, fanciful) idea.”
  • Thomas Jefferson: “When virtue is banished, ambition invades the minds of those who are disposed to receive it, and avarice possesses the whole community.”
  • George Washington: “Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim tribute to patriotism who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness–these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens … reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principles.”
  • Benjamin Franklin: “Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become more corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters.”
  • Patrick Henry: “… Virtue, morality, and religion. This is the armor, my friend, and this alone that renders us invincible. These are the tactics we should study. If we lose these, we are conquered, fallen indeed . . . so long as our manners and principles remain sound, there is no danger.”

Are we not today seeing the consequences of neglecting this high call and responsibility?

Before some of you say what I have so often heard when I try and tell this story in some form, please allow me to just say it for you and let’s get this never-ending mantra part of this exercise out of the way. Here goes:

Yes, Benjamin Franklin was likely a Deist. John Adams was a Unitarian. Thomas Jefferson cut out parts of the New Testament he didn’t like and he, too, was probably a Deist. George Washington was probably a Deist too …

Blah, blah blah. I am so sick of hearing people tell me this. Like I don’t know. So I decided to beat them to the punch and just say it myself. Thanks. I feel better now.

And you know what? I don’t care. It doesn’t matter to me. Whether the founders named above were actual Christians or not, their ideas were shaped greatly by the Bible. And that is what counts as far as I’m concerned because it is the ideas, the truths, the principles that matter, not whether the people were actually Christians. Biblical ideas. Put into play. In all arenas of culture. This is what made America great. Not whether George Washington was actually a born again Christian, or not. Why is this so hard for some people to understand? So, for those of you who might have been inclined to offer those comments in the comment section on Facebook, I’ve taken care of it for you.

tfp.2015.07.03.BKH-5708If you would like to learn what matters to me on this topic, and get a better handle on what I am trying to communicate about the Christian character of early America, may I suggest a book? Get The Christian Life and Character of the Civil Institutions of the United States. It was written by Benjamin Franklin Morris and published in 1864. In it, Morris provides a detailed account of the many, many civil institutions and leaders in our land who were shaped and molded and guided by Christian ideas and beliefs.

For generations, the Church in America pretty much kept up her part of the bargain. Not only was the Church invited to the table in governmental affairs, the Church often sat at the head of that table. For generations, the Church did her job in America and kept Americans in a relatively moral frame of mind. Not that all was wonderful. Some of us held slaves. We fought a civil war. We broke treaties with native Americans. So we certainly were not perfect.

But neither were we as lawless and morally bankrupt as we are today.

So, if as I have postulated in my title above that we have failed, how did we fail? To answer that question, we must go back to the mission statement:

“Go therefore andmake disciples ofall nations,baptizing theminthe name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching themto observe all thatI have commanded you. And behold,I am with you always, tothe end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20

We did just that for decades in America. Again, not perfectly, not without problems, not without failures. But even as I was growing up in the ‘50’s and ‘60’s, America could be considered, relatively speaking, a nation of moral and religious people. Not all were born again Christians. Not all were saved. Not all were regular churchgoers. Nor were all moral and religious. But for the most part, Americans were generally people of decent character.

Marriages and families held together. People generally agreed on what was right and what was wrong and tried their best to follow the ten commandments even though they knew they were sinners. Churches were not necessarily vibrant and exciting, but they still held sway and influence in communities and in people’s lives. People in government held outwardly to the standards and mores of the Christian way of life and didn’t shrink back from quoting from the Bible from time to time.

Even if things were relatively dead on the inside (and we’re still talking about my growing up years, here), the outward practices still reflected Christian ideals. Call it a residue from generations past. It was still a part of our lives, and even in her fading decades, the Church in America still exercised a fair degree of influence.

Now, jump ahead to the present. Godless, socialist ideologues control just about every institution in America, wielding their vain, secular, anti-God philosophies and trampling upon Christianity and Christian ideas.

  • Who controls Washington? Godless, socialist ideologues.
  • Who controls Washington’s bureaucracies? Godless, socialist ideologues.
  • Who controls public education? Godless, socialist ideologues.
  • Who controls institutions of higher learning? Godless, socialist ideologues.
  • Who controls the news media? Godless, socialist ideologues.
  • Who exercises the greatest influence on pop culture? Godless, socialist ideologues.
  • Who controls big business? Vain, morally bereft, soulless manipulators.

Yeah … I’m generalizing. There are, of course, exceptions.

Let’s recap:

  • “A republic if you can keep it.”
  • “Only for a moral, religious and virtuous people.”
  • “Make disciples of nations.”


  • Our republic is pretty much in shambles.
  • Virtue, morality, and true religion have, in a large way, fled the scene.
  • The godless socialists now hold the seats of power and continue to disciple our nation.

Yes Church, we have failed. The evidence is right before our eyes. Obama isn’t the problem. The Democrats aren’t the problem. The wayward Republicans aren’t the problem.

We, Church, are the problem.

We had it. We had America. We counseled presidents and congressmen. We held many positions across the land in the judiciary. We sat at just about every table where important decisions were made. We ran a good number of the universities. We shaped the minds of Americans. Bibles could be found in almost every American home. We discipled the nation. We led. We were venerated.

And we lost it. America has slipped into depravity, from bottom to top. The Church no longer casts a vision or leads the way. We are now the tail on someone else’s dog, reduced to reacting to the decisions and actions of others. If that isn’t failure, I don’t know what is.

Allow me to clarify with one last point. Again, yes, I am speaking in generalities. Not all in our time, or over the last fifty or seventy-five years (however you’re counting) have failed. Many have been faithful to the call to make disciples and teach and preach the whole counsel of God. Just not enough of us to keep our country from marching blindly towards hell.

Why am I being so direct, so negative, so bold with my observations? Because if America is ever to return as the land of liberty, it can only begin with the Church taking stock of herself, and getting herself back into the mission laid out by our Lord – making disciples of nations. And if America does not return as the land of liberty, then what will become of our children and grandchildren? What will we have left them? A wasteland.

I have debated internally whether or not the tone of this article is too harsh, and whether perhaps I should soften it. I decided no. Consider this the extreme swing of the pendulum, meant to pull some toward the center.

Please DO NOT post your comments on this blog post. Comments are not monitored here. Please post them on the Facebook page where this article appears.

House Divided

tfp.2015.07.02.cross rainbow flagIt has been almost a year since I last posted on my Famished Patriot blog. Since then, I have been working feverishly as I develop my new podcasting project called NightWatch. I have also been sharing many of my thoughts directly on Facebook

I decided to post some thoughts on my blog tonight, for the first time in a long time, because I wanted to be one step removed from Facebook. This posting is directed primarily to my conservative evangelical friends who are, like me, troubled by the swell of support for the gay and lesbian lifestyle within the Christian community.

If you are a Catholic Christian with the same sentiments—and I have many friends who are—my intent here is not to exclude you from this conversation. It’s just that I can make no claim to understanding the dynamics of this conversation and struggle within your community, and that I am certainly not qualified to speak into that part of the body of Christ. However, my Catholic friends are certainly more than welcome to chime in.

I do believe however, with a good measure of confidence, that I can and should speak into my own, splintered evangelical community.

In the mid 1980’s, let’s say thirty years ago, I began to discover a concept known as Worldview. More specifically, I came to understand that God had provided, through His written Word—the Holy Scriptures—and through many teachings of the Church down through the centuries, a complete framework for life and living. It is called by many the Judeo-Christian Worldview.

Furthermore, in recent months, I have also begun to realize that my twelve years in the Discipleship Movement, or the Shepherding Movement, or the Covenant Church Movement (1973-1985), whatever you want to call it, represent a profound, foundational Biblical deposit in my life. Despite the many negative and unfortunate things that happened within that large community/movement, my mind and heart were fed by some of the most gifted and anointed Bible teachers of my generation. What these men gave to me, more than anything and despite their mistakes, was a vision and a measure of understanding of the kingdom of God. I’ll leave it there and if you wish to investigate that story on your own, go ahead.

Anyway, as a result of these great gifts from God, and with what I believe to be a relatively firm foundation beneath me, I observe the current situation within the evangelical community today, and find myself grieving deeply. Of course I grieve over what I consider the very wrong turn our nation has just taken, but I grieve even more deeply over the moral, spiritual, and intellectual deficiency of so many within evangelicalism today.

Allow me for just a moment to step back almost 42 years into the past. It is September, 1973. My wife Sally and I stood at the altar exchanging our wedding vows. It was my 22nd birthday (Yes I got married on my birthday and I never forget my anniversary!). Standing there, Sally and I both understood the concept of covenant love. We knew that our feelings for one other were secondary to our choice to love one another, sacrificially, for life. We knew that divorce would not be an option. We knew that our dependency would be on God for His grace to carry us through. How did we know this at such a young age? Our church leaders taught us, pounded it into us actually, and I am so thankful they did! Forty-two years later, our commitment and covenant love are stronger than ever.

That my friends, is love, true love, love in the Christian sense, love in the kingdom of God sense, and love in the covenant sense. And I can take absolutely no credit for it because it began and it will end with God.

In recent days, on Facebook primarily, I have read the rantings and diatribes and blusterings of mouthy, childish, juvenile Christians blathering on about how the rainbow flag represents the love of Christ, and how people like me are ignorant and hateful and vicious and despicable because we wish to deprive those within the homosexual and lesbian community the pursuit of their true loves. Oh how heartfelt these gushing, sentimental, romanticized, Hollywood-fed soliloquies must sound to these trumpeters of a new understanding of Christ’s love! But oh how bankrupt these idealized monologues actually are.

And you know what, as much as I grieve over what I see, I grieve even more deeply over the fact that my own generation failed the generation coming up behind us (this group is primarily the younger generation, though not all – there are many stunted older Christians as well).

This is my generation’s mess. We created it. Our parents and grandparents (God bless or rest their souls) played their role in this decline as well.

We failed to preach the kingdom of God. We miscarried the lessons of covenant. We neglected teachings on obedience. We allowed the New Testament to be separated from the Old. We marginalized the Ten Commandments. We failed to explore the nature and character of God. We overvalued God’s grace and mercy and undervalued His righteousness and judgment. We played down the cross as a way of life, and the cost of true discipleship.

We declined opportunity to engage in the public square. We taught (or by neglect to teach implied) that culture belongs to the devil. We largely, though not completely, abandoned our children to the leftist, brainwashing mills of public education. We sent our children off to universities headed by godless socialists. We fed ourselves on pop culture. We valued relevancy more than Truth. We pursued our “feel good” experiences with God more than the teachings of His Word. We neglected the cultivation of our own minds with sound Biblical doctrine. We became fat and happy Americans and tuned out the hard words of Scripture.

I’m on my own rant. We failed, people.

Now I’m generalizing of course. I’m looking out across the whole spectrum of evangelicalism. Some have held up their parts very well. Some have done better than others. Many have utterly missed the whole point of Jesus, the gospel, and Christianity altogether.

This is no time to judge the weak, mentally infirm, underdeveloped members of our Christian community. We will not be able to snatch them away from the path of deception and destruction they have chosen until we ourselves can recognize and come to grips with our own failures.

This is on us. It’s time to take a good, hard look in the mirror. I’m looking at myself, and not happy with what I see. I could, and should, have done more.

By the way, if some of my tone here seems harsh to you, it is done intentionally to provoke. If you’ll note, I am turning the spotlight on us, not them.

Please DO NOT post your comments to this blog. They are not monitored. If you do have comments, please post them on my Facebook posting of this blog installment.

NightWatch Podcast Links

I am thankful for the patience of my friends who have stuck with me as I bumbled along attempting to create a functional delivery system for my NightWatch podcasts. I would like to think that I have finally come up with a workable means for easy navigation through my seventy-six podcasts.

Below you will find a list of 40 of my 76 podcasts. These forty podcasts are broken into, or categorized by, seven different TOPICAL THEMES. Click on a podcast title below and you will be taken to that particular episode. Every episode also has a link to the next podcast.

In each podcast-episode-post you will find the following:

  1. Podcast episode number.
  2. Podcast TOPICAL THEME and number.
  3. The approximate length of the episode in minutes.
  4. A colorful image to trigger your imagination.
  5. A short narrative about the podcast.
  6. A link to the next podcast.
  7. A few podcast postings also have link(s) to offsite theme related web page.

Here’s the podcast-linked list for the first 40 podcasts:


1. INTRODUCTION                             
















15. HEAL


































The Night Watch Podcast


The Famished Patriot is developing a new project. I call it The NightWatch Podcast. It will be a collection of short 3-4 minute audio podcasts in which I will tell about my love of God and my love of country. I will also be discussing many of the things I have learned over the last thirty years of studying America’s Christian history.

As I prepare, I am uploading weekly, short, sixty-second audio promo clips where I provide just a little tease about what I am working on. I will post them here as they are uploaded.

This Old Guitar No. 13

1978-Song for a Father

Well it’s time for another addition to This Old Guitar. Long past time actually.

Song for a Father, written thirty-six years ago in 1978, originally began out of my own thoughts and concerns about the decline of fatherhood in our country. At the time, I was a member of a small Christian worship band and we elected to take my basic structure of an incomplete song and work it into a tribute to one of our pastors who had “fathered” many of us in the Lord. This version is just me and my “old” guitar recorded on my computer at home about ten years ago.